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v3.2.0 - November 14, 2023

  • New
    SaaS v.4 Landing
    View demo
  • New
    Insurance Company Landing
    View demo
  • New
    Shop Homepage v.2
    View demo
  • New
    Coming Soon v.1
    View demo
  • New
    Coming Soon v.2
    View demo
  • New Implementation of a dark color mode following the latest Bootstrap approach. dark-mode CSS class is no longer available, use data-bs-theme="dark" instead. We rewrote and relocated the code for the color mode (theme) switcher from the HTML document to a separate .js file assets/js/theme-switcher.js which is now linked in the document's <head> section.
  • New

    Build system. We've opted for Npm scripts over Gulp. Now the Silicon build system consists of a number of JavaScript files located in the build folder, with each file dedicated to specific tasks, and corresponding Npm scripts that trigger the execution of these files. We have integrated the following new features into the build system:

    • Style linting that follows the Bootstrap guidelines
    • JavaScript linting and code formatting
    • Built-in HTML markup validation
  • Updated Bootstrap to the latest version, 5.3.2, along with all other dependencies, plugins, and libraries to their respective latest versions.
  • Updated Range slider component. Added a handful of new data attributes to control tooltips appearance directly from the HTML code: data-tooltips (true/false), data-tooltip-prefix (string), data-tooltip-suffix (string).
  • Updated The documentation pages for components, specifically introducing a new variant for "Testimonials / reviews."
  • Updated Documentation has been updated to reflect information about the new build system and the enhanced functionality of color modes (themes).
  • Updated The Figma file with new page mockups in both light and dark themes.
  • Fixed All validation errors in HTML, SCSS and JS.

v3.1.0 - December 5, 2022

  • New
    SaaS v.3 Landing
    View demo
  • New
    Conference (Event) Landing
    View demo
  • New
    Influencer Landing
    View demo
  • New Testimonial component variant. Check the componet page.
  • Updated Charts component. Now is powered by Chart.js plugin instead of Chartist.js. Check updated Charts componet page for more details.
  • Updated All dependencies, plugins and libraries to latest versions, including Bootstrap to v5.2.3.
  • Updated Figma file with new landing mockups
  • Updated Documentation article covering Sass compilation without Npm / Gulp. Learn more here

v3.0.0 - August 31, 2022

  • New
    Completely new design inspired by Material You by Google. We had rebuilt Around from scratch to be more visually appealing and technically advanced.
    • New design system
    • Light / Dark mode
    • Even more components to choose from
    • Latest plugins and libraries under the hood (including latest Bootstrap)
    • Theme styles fully support CSS custom properties (aka variables) on all levels: global - colors, typography, etc.; local - component scope variables
  • New
    Added Customizer to the demo site. It allows to manipulate the appearance of the theme in real time, namely:
    • Change any brand color: Primary, Warning, Info, Success, Danger
    • Change font family, typography sizes
    • Change border width, rounding, etc.
    • Copy generated styles to clipboard and apply them to the user"s website based on Around
  • UpdatedDocumentation

v2.4.0 - August 19, 2021

  • New Loading placeholders component page
  • Updated Plugins and libraries to latest versions including Bootstrap to v5.1.0
  • Updated Navbar component page. Added mobile offcanvas menu example

v2.3.0 - July 6, 2021

  • Updated
    Node.js to latest version 16x. Switched from deprecated node-sass to dart-sass. Replaced all cases of division / with multiplication * inside SCSS code
  • Updated Plugins and libraries to latest versions including Bootstrap to v5.0.2
  • Fixed Account dropdown position
  • Fixed Accordion component styles

v2.2.0 - May 24, 2021

  • Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.1
  • Updated All plugins, npm modules and dependencies to latest versions
  • Fixed Custom components compatibility issues with latest Bootstrap

v2.1.0 - April 29, 2021

  • New Offcanvas component page
  • Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.0-beta3
  • Updated All plugins, npm modules and dependencies to latest versions
  • Fixed
    Compatibility issue with new Bootstrap Offcanvas component. NOTE changes in class names, previously offcanvas-cap used as offcanvas header and footer. Now offcanvas-header, offcanvas-footer
  • Fixed Components documentation

v2.0.0 - February 23, 2021

  • New
    Rebuilt Around core to fully support Bootstrap v5.0.0-beta2
    • Dropped jQuery entirely. Redesigned Around JS to be modular (ES6 modules) and library agnostic
    • Renamed custom CSS classes to follow the Bootstrap 5 naming
    • Rewrote Around utility classes to support new Bootstrap 5 Utility API
    • No longer supports IE <=11
  • New Offcanvas component that replaced the old one
  • Updated All plugins, npm modules and dependencies to latest versions
  • Updated Documentation
  • Fixed Minor bug fixes and improvements

v1.2.0 - December 08, 2020

  • New
    Food Blog Demo
  • New
    Personal Portfolio Demo
  • Updated Npm dependencies and vendor plugins to latest versions including Bootstrap to 4.5.3.
  • Updated Documentation article "UI icons (Icon font)". Added instructions of how to add new icons to the icon font that comes with Around
  • Updated Navbar Brand textual styles to match brand image

v1.1.1 - October 02, 2020

  • Updated Npm dependencies and vendor plugins to latest versions
  • Updated
    SCSS: Moved Date / Time picker component styles from _forms.scss to separate _date-picker.scss file
  • Updated
    Slightly improved Gulpfile.js
  • Fixed Parallax bug on Safari / Mac OS
  • Fixed Date / Time Picker bug that cuts Saturday off
  • Fixed Documentation errors and typos

v1.1.0 - August 10, 2020

  • New
    Digital Marketing & SEO Demo
  • Updated
    Web Temaplate Presentation (Hero section)
  • Updated
    Added support for Responsive Font Sizes implemented in Bootstrap 4.3+. It"s enabled by default. But you can disable it in src/scss/helpers/_variables.scss by setting $enable-responsive-fss variable to false
  • Updated Vendor plugins to latest versions, including Bootstrap to 4.5.2
  • Updated Node modules to latest versions
  • Updated
    • Added new section Navbar / Footer variants (Pug)
    • Added Changelog section
    • Fixed section Installing Vendor plugins with npm and Gulp
    • Fixed markup of some Copmponents
  • Updated Sketch file: Added the mockup of new demo
  • Fixed
    Removed btn-like, btn-dislike styling dependency from cs-product-review. Removed cs-product-review CSS class altogether due to its redundancy
  • Fixed Minor bug fixes and improvements

v1.0.0 - June 9, 2020

  • Initial release